It is based on measurements of your height, waist and neck for men and additionally hips for women.

This method of calculating body fat percentage using tape measure measurements was developed by the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego, California. It's based on body measurements only, so it's easy to do at home. The method used by this calculator to calculate the percentage of body fat is used by the US Navy (US Department of Defense) to measure the body fat of personnel, that is, it is a method used in practice and quite widespread.
When skin fold is pinched, the practitioner should be taking reading at the middle of the pinched skin, not apex or base. We estimate body fat percentage from DXA scan or caliper. The participant must relax the muscle group that is being assessed. Calculator to estimate body fat percentage using sex, height, and a measurement around the waist. Caliber needs to be perpendicular to the site analyzed. It's used in combination with a variety of other factors (like BMI, weight and height) to determine what's a healthy weight or body fat percentage for you.All measurements should preferably be made upon waking up. Measurements are taken on the right side of body.

For men, body fat percentages should fall: for athletes: 6 to 13%, for general fitness levels: 14 to 17%, for acceptable or average: 18 to 25% and anything above 26% is generally considered to be overweight or obese. If you would like to calculate body fat with the Parillo method, use the formula below, which applies to both male and female test subjects.This may help you determine if you need to lose weight, maintain weight or gain weight. Knowing your body fat percentage and where it falls within standard, healthy ranges can give you some insight into your overall health.

Compare your results to healthy standards.